In the past, home sellers have highlighted features like walk-in closets, modern kitchen appliances, and spacious bathrooms in order to entice prospective buyers. This day and age, these features are still big sellers, but the increased attention on “going green” these days provides sellers with a wealth of new opportunities for making their home even more appealing to the masses. You want your home to stand out, and one of the best ways to do that is to tout the fact that it’s environmentally friendly, as well as cost-efficient.
Below are a few key changes you can make if you want to market your house as “green” or simply save yourself some money in the long run:
- Save water by changing out the old toilets to new, high-efficiency toilets that use less water. If you really want to go the distance, you can change out the faucets and shower heads to high-efficiency models as well.
- Change out old light bulbs and replace them with new, energy-efficient lights. Additionally, adding dimmer switches will allow people to adjust the fixtures to allow just the right amount of light in, saving money on electricity.
- Replace any drafty windows with new fixtures. Drafts don’t mean cold is coming in, they mean heat is getting out. The more heat your home loses, the more you’ll have to run your furnace, and the more energy will be wasted.
- Speaking of the furnace, make sure all of the HVAC components are well-maintained. Additionally, opting for allergen-free filters or whole house air cleaners can provide you with another selling point that’s highly regarded by those who “go green.”
- Installing solar panels can be a bit costly up-front, but if you plan to keep your home for a while, they more than pay off in savings down the road. Also, the sight of solar panels on a home is often a major perk for the environmentally-conscious home buyer.
These are just a few of the many changes that can be done to make your home more marketable, and therefore more valuable, as well as potentially save you some money in the long run.